Throat and Voice


At Brooklyn ENT & Allergy we offer complete voice evaluations and care utilizing various tools in the office as well as our network of voice therapists to treat all problems related to your voice.

Throat & Voice FAQs


What do you do when you have a problem with your voice that won’t get better or keeps coming back?

There are a wide variety of problems that can go wrong with someone’s voice. Luckily, the majority of these problems are either temporary or in the least reversible with better voice hygiene. We often see more chronic voice issues in patients who use their voice excessively including singers, teachers, and salespeople but also in people who simply like to talk or sing casually.

How can voice loss be treated?

There are a number of problems that need a more aggressive approach, whether it requires formal voice therapy or sometimes even surgery. Some of these problems include vocal cord nodules, polyps, cysts, tumors or neuromuscular disorders of the vocal cords.

How can I tell if my voice loss is temporary or requires a more aggressive intervention?

The only way to quickly and effectively diagnose these problems is to see an ENT who can perform a flexible laryngoscopy in the office and visualize the dynamic movement of the vocal cords.

If you are suffering from chronic sinus issues, get in touch with Brooklyn ENT & Allergy here to schedule an appointment.